Homeschool & Homestead Daily Routine

I’m about three and a half years into our homeschooling journey and I’m realizing that each season brings new rhythms of how our days operate. And that’s okay! Being flexible and open to change is what keeps our learning experience and family moving forward… and don’t forget (I’m reminding myself of this as well), the flexibility and freedom to change things up are two huge benefits of homeschooling.

I've gone through so many phases of what I feel works best for our family but the further into homeschooling AND homesteading I get, the more I realize that an uninterrupted home is our sweet spot. I am slowly shifting any obligations and appointments we may have to late afternoon or early evening times so that our days can still stay consistent and on track. It’s very hard to leave the home first thing in the morning and then expect everything to return to normal once we are back home. It just doesn’t happen that way.

The routine pictured above is a rhythm we have naturally fallen into. There are chunks of time that have specific purpose but also allow for flexibility because, as we all know, every day can be a little different. For me personally, the most important chunk of time on that daily routine is my quiet time. That may sound selfish but I desperately need the time alone to process, pray, plan and prepare for the day ahead. I need to feel put together and ready, in my best mindset and heart posture to show up for my family. I saw a reel recently where a homeschool mom said that she wouldn’t have just rolled out of bed and driven straight to work a full day without preparing herself first. Journaling, bible time, prayer, a workout, showering, getting dressed, hair and makeup - whatever it may look like for you, it’s important to start the day that way.

I’m sharing this routine for a few reasons… the first is to encourage homeschool mamas to allow flexibility into their day and rest knowing that it is perfectly okay to do what’s best for your family. Your rhythms don’t need to look like mine or anyone else’s to produce a successful day. Secondly, I’m sharing because seeing glimpses of how other homeschool families operate has been extremely successful for me in painting the picture of our own journey. My mind was stuck for too long in the ways of what traditional schooling should look like, so seeing and hearing how veteran homeschooling moms ran their ships gave me wonderful ideas and almost the permission to think outside the box for my own family.


Weekly Meal Plan


Weekly Meal Plan